
April 25, 2014

Friday Ramblings

Thinking of putting these on my etsy site.  Shop HERE

Last time I wrote about our house progress we were building.  Now, it's a different story.  I freaked out and backed out.  I don't want a new house.  I've waited this long so I might as well keep waiting. (Details on our housing HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE)  It only stinks because we lost $250 on top of all the money we lost on the previous house we tried to buy.  We're now at 5 houses that we've attempted to buy.

Took pictures of my niece and Georgia for an up and coming Etsy shop.  See more HERE.

Spent Easter weekend in Dallas for a wedding I was in.  Georgia had a blast with my mom and step dad.

Took my neighbor's newborn pictures.  See more HERE.

Georgia recently had her Spring Program and she was so cute.  A few times I thought we were going to see her undies but we were good.  I was down in the front taking pictures so her behavior was totally off since I was so close.  Next time I won't sit so close.

And, this week is National Infertility Awareness Week.  I love this story and you can read my story HERE.


  1. i understand backing out of the new house thing a two story is so much work! keep looking you'll find it. Georigia is so big how did that happen? praying for you.

  2. House hunting is the worst. We've put in 4 offers now, all rejected. I know it's Gods way of telling us to be patient, He has our dream house coming. But living in a 2 bedroom apartment with a toddler and lab is a killer. Teaching me patience, right?

  3. I like the quotes. I think they might be about me!

  4. Sending lots of positive "perfect home" vibes your way! It can be so frustrating. Off to check out your photography website- your photos are gorgeous!


Thanks for visiting and come back soon!
