So, I was nice and caught up on blogging but then life happened and I again got behind. It doesn't really bother me any more though.
We're still slowly reno-ing away. Georgia's room now has sheet rock and we've taken down 4 light fixtures and replaced three of them so far.
MOPS started.
I've snapped way too many pictures of my Georgia.
It is now fall. I so want to decorate for fall but I have two problems. 1) We're not totally unpacked and 2) we don't have a fireplace. But, I'm tackling the moving issue although it's hard when G's room isn't done and I'm on the hunt for an antique mantle.
I've been SO blessed with a steady stream of photography clients and Etsy work. Keeps me busy in a good way. Still loving it almost a year later :)
And, we've been loving having friends and family over for dinner. So blessed with such a great community. I took this the other night when we had friends and family playing in our huge yard. Not a very good picture but our two tire horse swings are a huge hit! (Some friends gave them to us.)
So, Happy Fall Y'all!
Life looks like it's been fun and busy!! Don't feel alone..I haven't decorated for fall yet either!!