
September 1, 2014

Schools In Session

Here is an end of the summer recap for y'all :)  Now that we're in a house I'm really anxious for fall!

We modeled our clothes

Worked on the house
(clearly I like blue)

Got two outdoor cats...who then got sick and died so we got a third who is now our one and only.  I'm so over pets.

Played hard


Worked on cleaning Jonathan's new office.
(all the strange things in his office)

Had a very successful garage sale.  Jonathan made me wear a gun.  He's paranoid.  And Georgia picked out this lovely number to wear.

And, with that our summer is officially over.  We're headed towards FALL.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge fan of blue, too, so I love seeing the ways you've incorporated the color in your new place! Can it really be the beginning of fall already?! Summer FLEW by!


Thanks for visiting and come back soon!
