Here are the things we are enjoying at our house:
Suave Kids 3 in 1 (Shampoo + Conditioner + Body wash) It contains no parabens or dyes and is also tear free. Smells good and keeps the kids clean easily. Win win. Oh, and it's in a pump which is a huge plus.
Jonathan bought me Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks. We used them for the first time on the back porch the other day and I think they worked pretty well!
I just bought the kids these summer workbooks. I got THIS one for G and THIS one for M and I'm excited to dive in and not be included in the summer slide! They're specifically designed to be done in the summer between grade levels. I don't like having to wake up early and drive all the kids around but I do like having a mix of structure and free time in the summer. Hopefully this will help!
New favorite Aldi candle. It smells SO GOOD and is so cute. I love the color. It came in a pack of three and the scent pairs so well with the Dr. Teals that I mention below.
Dr. Teal's. You can see it hiding there behind my mug. The eucalyptus and spearmint is my favorite.
Our newest Bath and Body Works Scents. Midnight Swim is what Georgia wanted and it is actually my favorite. I'm pretty sure that we smelled every body spray in the entire store. I was looking for something light and that to me, smelled like summer.
I think it's so fun how you color Georgia's hair for the summer. If I was a little braver, I'd try it for Gwen! Her hair is darker though, so that might make it trickier. Now you make me want to go to Bath and Body Works! They discontinued the summery scent I really like, so I'm always on a lookout for another one I like. I like the light, beachy ones too. Sunrise Sail was nice last year.