
July 16, 2021

It's been fun, y'all

 I have no idea what I've posted and when but it has been a crazy few weeks. Both schedule wise and just life exploding on me wise. I've had a breakdown or two (or three). I'm super one track-minded and don't do well with the unplanned.

Schedule wise we had a vacation, VBS, swim lessons (and regular scheduled gymnastics), a family reunion in Louisiana, and then another vacation. That was everything we had planned on. 

What we didn't plan on was Jonathan getting a ticket on vacation and then Barrett getting sick on the same vacation. Then, we came home to a broken gas line that (over three weeks later) still wasn't fixed and a broken dishwasher (most likely due to Barrett climbing on it). So we have no hot water, can't dry clothes, can't wash dishes, oh, and can't's been fun. 

When we were on vacation in WY, I realized that I left my entire toiletries bag at home. All my thyroid meds, extra contacts, glasses, allergy meds...A L L of it. Seriously, Emily?! Lucky for me, my mom is a rockstar and overnighted it all to me. 

        So, I'll be doing some recaps but for now, here is a picture. Tonight, when our gas FINALLY got turned back on there was a literal rainbow over the house as I wrote our kids names under their handprints in the concrete.  Ahh, life is good.

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