Milam at Two Years {2018}

August 22, 2018

John Milam Powell,

I cannot even put into words the joy you have brought into our lives.  You bring a smile to the face of every single person you meet.  The mother son bond you always hear about is so very real and I can hardly write this post because I'm getting so emotional just thinking about how much I love you.  You are my bitty boy, brother bear, sweet boy and I love every little bit of you.  Even the fiery bit.  It took us so long to get you and I've never felt a contentment in my life like I felt the moment I held you for the first time.  Like I could breathe again and I instantly felt lighter.  Goodness baby boy, you have changed our life for the better.  We love you so much.
You grow and learn so many new things everyday that I can hardly keep up. (I'll be honest, you're no where near where your sister was academically but it's ok, boy and girls, first and second child, there is just so much difference.) On a good day you can tell me A, B, C, and D.  You can count to two which is really funny because that's barely counting but it's a start!  Every color to you is black but every now and then you'll throw out the correct color.  I'm amazed at how well you can pronounce "Yellow".  You can't say your R's and have a hard time with hard C sounds.  You've started talking in three word sentences but it's still mostly two.  "Georgia fast!"  "Momma! Stop it!"  "Georgia, hold hand."  "Momma, help!"  Some examples of the things you say most often.  Your little voice is just so cute.
You are very coordinated.  You're learning to swim and doing really well.  You can get about half the width of your swim teacher's pool but you won't float to catch your breath so then you just sink.  If you think about it you can pedal your little tricycle and I think when we get you a balance bike that fits you that you'll take off on it and will probably learn how to ride a regular bike in no time.  You've always blown me away with your fine and gross motor skills...I thought your sister was advanced in that area but you blew her out of the water.  Not that it's a competition but it is fun to see how similar and different y'all are.  
You are still rocking some pretty strong separation anxiety but I've just come to terms with it and it doesn't bother me.  I know you will never need me as much as you do right now, you will never again be as little as you are now, and every day I'm just one day closer to you not needing me so I'm just cherishing it while it lasts.  You still fall asleep on us every nap and every bedtime and I just lay there with you enjoying the snuggles.  Maybe we baby you too much but you're my baby.  You go into church great.  You were doing great towards the end of MOPS.  You get upset when I leave you at my mom's but I think it's because you go over there so often.  My mom says it lasts a few seconds and then you're off and running.
You are sleeping about 12 hours at night and taking a 2-3 hour nap during the day.  Bedtime is from 7-7:30 and nap time is 12 or 12:30.  You are in 2t or 3t and size 8 shoes.  You weigh 30.6 lbs and are 36.25 in tall which is the 89% and the 95%.  Growing boy.
You love anything that goes or has wheels.  Your favorites are buses and Jeeps.  You also love bulldozers, airplanes, helicopters, bikes, four wheelers, and motorcycles.  Most of these things close up terrify you and you don't like the loud noises they make but your whole world is playing with your cars.  It's so funny.  You love your sister so much and love all your stuffed animals.  You're so sweet and love to pet our dog Penny (Menny) and cat.  You're really good at your animal sounds.
Milam, I love you so much! I can't remember our lives without you!  The past two years have been two of the best!  My favorite bitty boy!


PBO said...

Happy Birthday

Callie said...

Ah, this post made ME emotional! So sweet. Also, I LOVE the rainbow car picture, what a cool idea!

Emily Powell said...

Thanks ladies! I still have not getting notices from Blogger and can't respond to comments so I hope you get this!


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