Milam at Three

August 22, 2019

Oh my goodness.  My bittiest boy is THREE! Time needs to slow down because I could just eat him up.  He is the absolute cutest.  Baby Barrett has some big shoes to fill ;)
This boy is just so sweet.  A momma's boy all the way but he'll always take a snuggle from sister and daddy.  "Nuggles" are one of his favorite things.  He even fakes getting hurt just so he can be rescued and get a good "nuggle".  Some more of his favorite people, Uncle Travis, his cousin Cooper, our neighbor John Mark, and a friend from church named Kennedy.  He likes being around all of the guys and doing boy stuff but is just as happy to play at home with Georgia and her friends too.
You love cars and trucks and anything that has an engine or wheels.  You want to help your daddy fix everything but don't like loud noises.  You take toy cars with you every where you go and love picking out which stuffed animals (babies) you're going to sleep with that night.
You don't like wearing JonJons (wearing one in these photos), taking potty breaks, sharing with your sister, trying new foods (mainly veggies), saying bye, having dad put you down for bed, and being locked out of our rooms.
You can spell your name, semi count to 12, refuse to learn your ABC's or colors but know a few car brands though, can ride a two wheeled bike, sit in time out correctly like a good little boy, and are about 95% of the way potty trained (both day time and sleeping times).  You talk all the time.  Constantly.  You are missing a lot of letter sounds so I'm taking you in for a speech evaluation next week
You still sleep about 12 hours a night.  From about 7:30 to 7:30.  You also take a good nap during the day.  I put you down at 12:30 and most days have to wake you up at 2:30 to go get your sister at school. On the weekends you'll sleep longer but I can't let you sleep in with school drop off and pick up.  You're in 3t clothes, 4t JonJons and pajamas, and a size 9 shoes. You start school on September 3rd for the first time ever.  Fingers crossed you handle it well.

You are 35.8 pounds (86%) and is 38.9 inches tall (74%)
You are so funny and keep us all laughing all the time. I wish I could just bottle up your funny little personality. Everyone who meets you loves you...even if you don't love them.  You have some stranger danger fears but they go away pretty quickly.

Milam, we adore you.  It's been a wild three years with you.  You're a ball of energy and can't image life without you!  Happy THIRD year!

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