I'm dislike Mondays as much as the next person but I also love a fresh start. Most Mondays I tackle head first and get so much done. This week was no different BUT after that I felt like I was holding onto that feeling with a thread. I kept trying to keep it light and positive but by today (Friday) I finally lost my cool. It's been a long busy week with Jonathan's back to work school schedule and trying to make sure his building is ready for kids on Monday. So, I'm tackling my normal to do list plus trying to handle a lot of his house hold stuff too since he's been so exhausted. Now, we're all exhausted.
I'm actually ready for back to school this year. I DO NOT like early mornings AT.ALL. but this year Georgia's school doesn't start until 8:50 and Milam at 9:00 so this year our mornings will be so much more relaxed. Plus, Milam doesn't have speech anymore so we have that all off our plate again. I'm excited to see how that all plays out.
Georgia, on the other hand, is not excited. The public school experience is that you get shuffled a lot from year to year. Your besties are not always in your classes, and in her case, its a big possibility she may not know anyone in class. She's not happy about it. At all. We had a lot of tears and outbursts but she will be fine. It is all about the process.
I ordered Georgia a pack of THESE little bows and I love them. She likes them so it's a win.
To curb her anxiety, I made outfits for her and saved them on her (really old) iPhone so that she feels more confident going into each day. She's got a shipment coming in this week from Old Navy so we'll add to it I'm sure. I also got a separate supply list from her orchestra teacher (ugh) at meet the teacher last night so I have exactly ONE weekend to pull all of that together. Fantastic.
Snuck in a little bit of family time in this crazy week.
Milam is giving me a run for my money these days. He's always been an intense full of life kid but oh my goodness he is exhausting these days. I know he needs a lot from me right now and a lot of the time I just feel like I have nothing left to give. We'll get there.
And there is Barrett. Always with the bumps and scratches. He lives life full force as well.
I DO NOT like making the kids breakfast. They're all hungry and yelling at me (mostly Barrett) and I'm just not all there yet to deal. But lunch, I like making lunch. It is on the downward slide to nap time and even though the kids do not appreciate it in the slightest I like making them cute lunches.
My drink choices this week are as follows:
Here's to Friday. Hopefully I yell less from here on out. Fingers crossed.
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