1. Jonathan's spring break starts today (and he's only working 1/2 day!) so that means Powell Prep's spring break starts today as well! We're all excited about the extra time at home. Hopefully we'll have good weather because I have 4 photo sessions booked. Fingers crossed. We had hoped to take a mini getaway but I looked at my planner and was like, "oh, four sessions, dr appointment, the rodeo twice, brother's birthday party, babysitting for a friend...when did I have the time for this trip?" Yeah, so not happening. I'll happily take that trip money and save it for finishing our kitchen remodel this summer!
2. I love getting Etsy orders. When I get them I'm always like, "Really? You looked through Etsy and picked me?! Yay me!" Lame, but true. My bachelorette schedule (that I custom made for a particular client) is without a doubt my best seller. I've done several variations to it as well upon customer request. Usually color changes which are fun. Visit my shop HERE! Some of the details of the parties make me giggle (or blush!)
3. This weather y'all! It's nuts. Two days of almost 80 then back down to below freezing! My heart (and sinuses!) can't take it anymore. I don't like the cold!
4. We did a few little happy house updates the other day. New doorknob - towel rack - hooks in Georgia's pink closet. I don't love ORB finish but Jonathan does so all the doors have ORB but none of the cabinets or anything else does. Happy marriage y'all. We plan on finishing up all loose ends in her room/closet over the break before we tackle anything new in the house. We need to finish her closet trim and add over head lighting in her closet and room...and that's it!
5. Easiest recipe EVER! Chicken breasts. Bottle of BBQ sauce. Potatoes wrapped in foil. Crockpot on high until chicken is cooked (took mine 3 hours from frozen). Then on low for a few hours. Then on keep warm until you're ready to eat. Open up those potatoes and put the pulled chicken on top with your favorite toppings and enjoy minimal dishes! Bonus points if you have those crock pot liners.
6. My goal of reading one book a month is still going strong. I'm on book 4 so, I'm ahead by one for the year so far. I checked out He's Gone
from the library which is exciting because I never check out books for myself. Read more about my goals HERE.
7. When it turned cold again Georgia and I couldn't really find much to do. We went to CFA, bought new makeup and got it out to try on...quickly got out of hand ;) and, we talked about how strong she was :)
8. And, last. I'm working on a new fun project. One picture each month that is the same spot in our yard. Not all that fun because it doesn't snow here but whatever...
H A P P Y F R I D A Y !
Love your cute little blog :) Your little girl looks adorable.. I love the pictures every month taken!! Hope you enjoy the spring break. Ours starts next Friday !!!!!!
Happy Friday
Chelsea@ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com
Your daughter is so cute! I'm just waiting for the day my little munchkin decided she wants to wear makeup like momma. I remember doing something similar with my moms lipstick, lol. That recipe sounds yum! I don't know why I haven't gotten a crockpot yet, that should have been thing número uno to do after having a baby and going back to work. Have a nice weekend!
We have been having crazy jumps in weather too but ours seem to be for the better. Yesterday it was -5 when I woke up but today it is supposed to hit 40, then be in the 40s-60s all next week! Finally! I can't wait to go on walks and to the park. Our winter wasn't as long as it usually is but we are still getting stir crazy and ready for spring! I love your picture idea....might have to steal that! Enjoy your spring break week!
I'm the same way with my Etsy it gives you mini butterflies! I wish it was warm enough here, but I'm still tracking through lots and lots of snow. Very jealous of you at the moment!
I want to try that crockpot recipe! You put the chicken and potatoes in there together? Also, love the idea of taking a picture in the same spot each month. You'll be able to see how much she changes, so cute!
Stopping by from the linkup. I need to try that crockpot recipe. Such a great idea! Your daughter is a cutie! Enjoy your weekend!
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