Friday Favorites

June 21, 2019

Beating the Summer blues
I have been in a super bad mood lately.  Just a lot of things that I can't control happening and if I can't control it or immediately fix it, then I'm angry.  I've been trying to get out of the house (and out of my head) to keep my mind off of things (mostly doesn't work).  Hasn't really been helping but here's to trying.
Beating the Heat
Oh my goodness.  Texas brought the summer heat this week! I feel bad because I've been making Milam stay inside but he sweats so much, I'm pregnant and don't want to start swelling, and even in the morning when it is only 80 degrees the grass is so dewy and gross.  Anyhow, I'm been coming up with ways to stay busy but not get hot.  This week we went and got treats at our local fav Montgomery Bakehouse! (I literally just got a heat advisory on my 7PM)
We had Gus's 20 week scan and all looked good. One small issue that's getting checked again at 26 weeks so we should get to see him again pretty soon!
This is what our garage looks like 95% of the time that Jonathan is at work.  Chairs out and eating popsicles.
Their Faces
Although to be honest they drive me insane just as much as they make me smile.

1 comment:

Callie said...

Send some of the heat this way please! It was in the 50’s this weekend, and I’m ready for summer weather already! Sorry it’s so hot when you are pregnant though, not fun.


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