Barrett - One Month

November 26, 2019

You're still combative at times when eating.  You eat about 3-4 oz every 2-4 hours and can be hard to burp.  You still don't spit up a lot which is nice because your older siblings did.  You get the hiccups a lot, you don't comfort eat

You take 4-5 naps a day.  Two of which are 2-3 hours.  The others are 30-45 minutes.  At night you usually do 5 hours, eat, and then do 4 hours.  Every now and then you'll toss in an awesome 6-7 hour stretch or sadly a 4 and 3 split.  You usually settle in for the night around 10pm.  Last night you slept from 9:20-3. You ate and went right to sleep.  Then, you woke up at 6 and ate and we let you sleep until 9:00 when we woke you up for a 10:00 doctor appointment. Normally I don't let you sleep past 8:30 but knew it would be a long morning with an appointment.

You are still hard to put down for naps. You fight it so hard so most naps you have to cry for a bit to fall asleep or else I would be holding a screaming baby all day.

You're in size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes.
You weigh 11 pounds even (81%) and are almost 23 inches (96%).  Your head is in the 97%.

You have a pretty content personality for the most part.  You give us the occasional smile and talk just a bit.  It's real cute when it happens.

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