Mid Winter Break

February 25, 2020

Jonathan's school district literally has the best schedule of any district in our area.  In addition to Thanksgiving break he also had fall break.  In addition to Christmas break he also has mid winter break. Unfortunately his schedule and Georgia's schedule are not the same since they are not in the same district.  Their spring breaks are not even in the same month.  Ugh.  Anyway, he's on mid winter break right now which is great (but Georgia is still in school so we can't travel...she's already missed school for gymnastics) and I am very much enjoying the extra help at home and all of the yummy food he cooks while he has more time.

Georgia had this day off as well so we had a nice long weekend.  I would say it was a relaxed weekend but we spent a lot of time in the ER with Barrett (more details in the post below this one).  We just ran errands, hung around the house, and I took Georgia to gym. I also bought this mug and took a bubble bath. It was too cute to pass up.
Jonathan and I took Barrett on a little lunch date with us.  We went to our favorite, Flower Child and got some yummy food while he hung out in his car seat or in our arms talking to us or chewing on his yummy, chubby fingers.
His little abscess is still swollen.  Half of it drained and half didn't.  He's still on antibiotics so I'm hoping that will take care of it and we can just move on. I don't usually worry about medical stuff too often with my kids but this has me so worried for his little tooshie. He hasn't even had a fever with it but I just don't want it to get worse.  When we were at the ER it hadn't started draining yet so they were not able to test the bacteria. 

The rest of the week kind of blurs together with lack of sleep, struggles to get doses of antibiotics, abscesses draining, a lot, shuffling kids to and from school.  Even with Jonathan home all week if was super busy.

Georgia had another meet.  Rocked it.  So proud of her.

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