Barrett - Four Months

February 26, 2020

You're a very happy little guy.  You smile a lot and are so easy to make laugh. You wake up happy and talking.  If I don't get to you fast enough you start to cry but stop as soon as you hear my voice. You are super loved, so rotten but at the same time content, and love being dotted on by your brother and sister.  You help your dad cook every night because you can't miss out on anything.

I think you're now settling into 11+ hours a night with no wakeups and trying to get a two hour morning nap with two one hour naps after that.  You stay awake about an hour an a half at a time.  Sometimes more.  Sleep has been pretty rough with your abscess and four month sleep regression but I think you're starting to come out of it and settle into somewhat of a routine...with a lot of "prompting" from me. It's only been the past few days so I'm still holding my breath. Your siblings were better sleepers than you at this point although you started off as our best night time sleeper. I think the abscess and antibiotics interrupted you a bit.
Your appointment isn't until Friday so I'll update your size then.  I think you're almost 17 pounds.  Which is exactly the same size as your siblings were at this age. You are in 3-6 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

-You are 17lbs (81%), 26.5 in (92%), and your head is 17in (91%)-

No teeth and I don't think you're teething yet.  Still pretty bald. Not rolling back to tummy just yet but really close.  Love your hands and thumb. You talk SO MUCH.  You don't love tummy time anymore but prefer to be in your bouncer although you have started pushing yourself up higher than you were before.  You like to stand up and love to see what everyone else is up to.  You can hold a tripod sit for a few seconds and think its funny when you fall forward. Your head is so big so it's a lot to hold up!

You eat about 5oz per bottle now.  You still rarely spit up. You've tried oatmeal and banana and have no idea what to do with either.  You like the flavor though and smile real big when we let you join in on eating.  You watch me eat and smack along with me.

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