Friday Favorites

June 26, 2020

1. Swim lessons
My little buddy started swim lessons this week! He's so cute but so adamant that he can do it by himself. Which...he can't
2. My baby
This little guy has had to be woken up from so many naps lately. I hate waking him up but look how cute he is sleeping. Isn't his bear sheet just the cutest?! And I know baby feet are everyone's favorites but I just love chubby baby hands. Look at his little hand on the left. So cute.
Barrett is always a favorite but oh my is he getting a personality recently. He is so funny and all over the place. Always drooling.
3. Almost camp time
Was for sure a favorite that I finished up shopping for Georgia's camp supplies. I like to be able to touch things before I buy them so I didn't want to order sheets and towels on Amazon. We hit up Home Goods and found all that we needed. I felt comfortable taking the kids in the stroller/wagon since they couldn't touch anything...way better option than a shopping cart.
4. Palmer's Oil
I LOVE Palmer's skin therapy oil. After Georgia's bought with molescums her legs had a lot of scars and the oil made them good as new. When Milam fell off his bike he scratched his face pretty badly. Put oil on it several times and five days later. Boom. No cut.  NO SCAR! I'm floored!
5. Not caring
On Thursday I just let some things go and the kids played on the trampoline in the rain and then played the floor is lava that evening. Whatever. Making memories is a favorite.

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