I can't believe we're already to 8 months even though your newborn days seem like a lifetime ago. So much has happened in the world since you've been born.
You sleep about 12 hours every night. Usually 7:30 to 7:30. You nap around 10:00 and 3:00. You've been talking really long naps here lately that I've been having to wake you up from. You're eating your 7oz bottles, eat your meals about an hour after you wake up, and you eat basically any and everything.
I don't know any of your stats but you seem pretty big. I think your next check up is at 9 months. We bumped you to size four diapers and you're still in 12 month clothes. No clue on shoes because you don't really wear them. I would guess 21 pounds but I don't really know.
You love to touch foreheads. I know that's an odd thing to say so I need to get it on video. If I put my head to your head then you give us the biggest smile and just melt into the sweetest hug. It is literally the best and cutest thing ever and just makes us want to freeze you at this exact age forever. We're obsessed.
You crawl really fast and can stand on your own but don't do it very often. You pull up all the time and on everything which means you fall all the time and bump your head several times a day. You say dada the most and sometimes say momma. You make the B sound sometimes. You growl and screech like a dinosaur. You still have a sweet and happy disposition but do not like teething. You're handling it ok but I do give you Tylenol or Motrin sometimes if you're just not acting like yourself. You have three teeth. Two bottom and one top. Hopefully the other top one will come it because you look real silly with only one top tooth.
You are just the cutest, sweetest, little guy and we love you so much! Can't wait to see what comes next in your little life!
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