Friday Favorites

July 17, 2020

Here are the things I have been loving this week!

Sunflower Trip
I had been dying to get my kids in a field of sunflowers for some photos and luckily my sweet husband really pushed me to make it happen because I kept bailing on myself. It's about an hour from our house in the middle of nowhere so that's a long car ride for the kids. Especially, the Barrett Bear...but, we picked up some yummy Whataburger and trekked out there. THOUSANDS of the flowers were dead and wilted but there was one super small patch that was hanging on. Luckily. It was way too sunny and way too hot (Because my kids have early bedtimes) but I'm still glad we made the effort. I love that these beautiful babies are all mine.
Skate Park
It's been SO HOT here and all the kids were up and had eaten well so we were at the skate park at about 8:30 AM because I knew it would only get more miserable by the minute. There were only two other people there plus shade and a breeze so it was a win all around.
Georgia got the "Christian Character" award at camp and our children's pastor read it on Facebook and mailed Georgia a CFA gift card. It was really sweet that she thought to do that. Georgia was very excited.
Amazing Grace
I put one of my favorite song verses on our chalkboard in the garage because this world has literally gone mad.
This was a long and slow week. I'm so glad it's Friday...mainly because Jonathan doesn't work on Fridays!

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