The first two are HUGE things happened this weekend!
1 - Barrett took his first steps! He did five steps at a friends house and looked so stinking adorable. He's eight months old.
2 - Milam did his first BMX practice. He was the youngest kid there on a real bike. There was one other three year old but he was on a balance bike. Jonathan said he totally kicked butt and out rode almost everyone...even the way older kids.
I ordered several random things from Amazon but was oddly excited about them.
3 - I feel like so many of our cups have been broken or lost lately. Who knows what's happening. I threw away all of Milam's a few weeks ago because they kept leaking and ordered these new cups (HERE) for him instead. They came in today and he was SO excited. I'm still waiting on kid cups from Target and glasses for the adults. (THESE and THESE)
4 - OH MY GOODNESS the flies have been horrible season. I bought fly traps (THESE) and plan to hang them outside near our city trash cans and hopefully I won't ever see a fly in the house again. Fingers crossed! Ick.
5 - Our vacuum bit the dust BIG time so I ordered a new one (THIS ONE) and so far so good. I went on Amazon, typed in "vacuum", clicked "4 stars or more", and clicked the least expensive one. Read the reviews and ordered. Done and done. It's one of those lame adult things that you have to have. Womp womp.
6 - I started redoing our dining furniture and got THIS paint and have been SO pleased with it so far. I'm only doing one chair at a time so it's going to take me forever but they're going to look so good when they're done! I can't wait. (This chair took an entire can plus a bit of another and we have 6 chairs but this is the only one that has arms)
7 - We had dinner at a friend's house on Saturday night and all the kids had a great time. It was really refreshing and much needed.
8 - These two. So sweet.
9 - Dog pile!
10 - I styled my back to school sessions. I haven't released dates yet but I think my samples of Georgia turned out really cute. Some years I use a lot of props and some years I don't. This year was more back to the basics. 2020 has enough going on as is.
Jonathan and I celebrated 12 years by going out to dinner just the two of us but also buying a new sectional and getting a banquette built in the breakfast room. Yay being adults.
Happy Monday! Make it a good one!
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