Barrett - 16 Months

February 26, 2021

Our little baby Bear is 16 months old and growing and changing faster than I can keep up with or approve of. I feel like he's had the funniest nicknames of the three. Baby Bear, Bear Bear, Nugget, Baby Nugz, my Sweet Prince, Angel Baby, Angel Face. I called him Angel Face ALL the time until he started getting his molars now we mainly describe him as "Spicy". 

So, he now has 12 teeth and that includes his four one year molars...praise the Lord! Getting those four teeth was painful on all of us. Obviously he was not into doing pictures today but that is so him. Never wants to stay still. He "talks" a lot but we mostly have no idea what he's saying. He signs, "please" all the time and has his own set of words that we understand.

He is literally the cutest little doll face and I could just eat him up. Ugh, love him!

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