Friday Favorites

February 26, 2021

 Jonathan and I were talking last night about how tired and drained we felt this week. It was really just a normal week but coming off of the previous snow week and weekend we did not feel refreshed and ready to take on Monday like we normally do. Jonathan's winter break was snow week and we mentally were expecting to have some down time since he had a week off and when we didn't it just kind of did us in. All that to say, we're still tired and need a vacation. Ha.

Here is what we were up to this week

Monday, Milam has speech. It's a busy morning but the sun was shining and the boys were being nice so I was thankful.

This little guy is trying to get the hang of his balance bike. He's doing pretty good!

Then he goes and does this. Yay. At least it all washed off!

I love living in the same town as most of my family. Barrett and I were at my mom's while she was at work to grab a few things and my brother showed up there too to pick up some mail she had gotten that was his. He was helping me load my car. He got the baby. I got everything else ;) These two share the same middle name and I'm glad my kids get to grow up around family.

More sunshine and finally getting out for more walks. I LOVE walks. Barrett is contained and snacking. The bigs are occupied. Usually a little bit of peace in my day and I miss them in the yucky winter weather.

Jonathan usually does a ton of meal prep on Sunday but we just never got around to it...hence, mid week Jason's. I love that they have outdoor seating because my kids are messy and loud.

F week at school. Love these pictures from his teacher. He's so cute!

My kids are so used to being outside all the time that we get so bored in the house. Jonathan got a new coffee maker so I gave the kids the old one. I set it out with a few other things and it's been a big hit. My older two kids were never super fond of play kitchens, because I think we gave them too much time playing with real kitchen stuff, so we got rid of the play kitchen years ago since they were never used. So nope, not buying him a pretend coffee maker because he'll know it's not "real" and won't play with it. Little stinker!

A sweet moment on Thursday night. Jonathan was working late and I was struggling to make it to bed time. It was a long day but luckily matching pajamas are really cute.

Happy weekend, y'all!

1 comment:

Callie said...

I have been thinking the same thing lately about living close to family. It's such a blessing!


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