My sister in law made me this Christmas tree and it has our names on it. Jonathan, Emily, Perry, and Paxton...more on Pax in a bit.
Jonathan's mom made me this lovely quilt! Yes, MADE! I've been wanting her to make it for so long and I'm so excited I got it for Christmas. It goes perfectly in our middle bedroom!
This is what Perry does best...SLEEP! Underneath him is my super cute coat Jonathan got me but I mainly put this picture here to show how cute Perry is...the next picture is just proof that he mainly sleeps all day.
Here he is again hoarding all of his Christmas goodies. He was trying to figure out how to get all three toys in his mouth. He is a puppy toy fiend!
My mom added to my Fiesta collection for Christmas and when I put them up after Christmas I realized all of my dishes were clean so I took a picture of my two favorite cabinets in our house! The first one is mainly Fiesta. The second picture is only Fiesta on the entire bottom shelf and the yellow tea cups.
Jonathan and I in my super cool stocking stuffer sunglasses. He forgot his sunglasses (as usual) so he's wearing mine...
Meet Paxton Herald Powell. (Paxton - Sir Joseph Paxton was the architect of the Crystal palace at the London World's Fair. Herald - he was my Christmas gift so we named him after "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". He has the same initials as Perry Hendrix Powell...ha) We got him Dec. 22nd (the same day I had my last wisdom tooth pulled). We think he is German Shepherd+Great Dane but we think he may be full grown so there must be something else mixed in there as well not letting him get any bigger. Well, at least we hope so...He is super timid and very shy and very STRONG. This was my Christmas gift but he is for sure Jonathan's dog. Perry is now ALL MINE! After we signed to adopt him the volunteers there told us he was scheduled to be put down THE NEXT DAY! He had been at the shelter 2 whole months and that was his limit. So sad! The first day we went to the shelter I left in tears! I was in the car crying wondering how people can be so cruel and ignorant about their pets. I'm so glad we adopted Paxton! We're pretty sure he's never been in a house before, although he is house trained, because he is a true gentle giant and is terrified of EVERYTHING. It is so sad...but he's coming along. He already can sit and he knows his name!
Kid Christmas. Tacky Christmas clothes and bowling. I'm wearing Jonathan's mom's sweater and head band (both light up)! I look fantastic...I know! The sweater and ankle socks are SUPER flattering (sarcasm)! My hair was in an ugly bun because that ridiculous sweater made my hair SO static-y (is that a word)!
Looking at Christmas lights is always fun!
I've done a few craft projects over the break as well. Paxton has a place to eat and so does Perry. Well, they both had their spots before but now they are just labeled!
ha! I got some lemongrass pieces too! Its a fun color. I LOVE Paxton, he looks so beautiful, yall are great people for rescuing him :)
yay paxton! what a sweet story, I bet it makes you feel so good to know that he can live a happy, full life with you guys! : o )
Fun pictures!!
I Love, Love, Love Fiesta dishes! So cute and fun! I'm afraid my hubby wouldn't be too excited if I started another collection of dishes though. LOL
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