My Weekend

May 17, 2010

My lovely friend Ashley graduated with her masters this past weekend so Megan, me, and Jaclyn decided to SURPRISE her by being there.

I first traveled to Conroe to meet Meg. Then, Meg drove us to Temple (home of Jaclyn), and then the 3 of us ventured off together to the state of Oklahoma. Lots of traveling on my part...phew! All in all it was over 14 hours in the car (total for the entire weekend) but it was 100% worth it!

Ashley had NO IDEA we were going to be there and I hadn't seen her beautiful face since DECEMBER so I was so happy to see her! {finally} Jac and I were so excited in the car before we went into the graduation. Giddy excited would be an understatement!

When Ashley was sitting with the rest of the graduates and we were in the audience her parents got her attention and yelled to her, "Emily is here!" I guess that's easier to yell that Jaclyn, Emily, and Megan are here. Ashley doesn't have her glasses on but refuses to think she needs she couldn't exactly see us in the audience. When her mom said, "Emily is here" she said, "MY Emily" to which her mother responded yes and then Ashley started crying...of course because she knew that me being there meant all three of us were there. It was great! After graduation we all ran to each other in a very movie like moment and had tons of hugs! These girls were my LIFE in college and I hadn't seen them in 5 months! Ridiculous. And, I can't believe the 3 of us pulled off a surprise like this and it actually worked! It was perfection!

We spent the rest of the night drinking tons of wine and champagne (with lots of laughter and a lot of much needed girl conversation) in the hotel room her dad got for the 4 of us that night. It was perfect and much needed! I'm so glad it worked out and that she was so thrilled to see us.

And here we are: Megan, Me, Jaclyn, and Ashley. Together again! I LOVE you girls!

(Jaclyn, please upload your pictures to Facebook so I can steal them and put them on my blog! Thanks, love!)


Megan C said...

love the blogs today!! I love being updated on your life even though I just saw you!! I am going to add more pictures as soon as Jac adds them!

Ashley Raven said...

Best surprise EVER! And no...I don't need glasses. Okay maybe thats a lie. LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!!!

Meghan said...

You are all so adorable! And congrats to your friend!


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