Survey Says...

August 24, 2011

I recently discovered that people define "sleeping through the night" as different things.

I say sleeping through the night is when the baby sleeps all night without eating.  That's what I thought everyone said it was.  Starting at a 5 hour stretch.

Example:  G went to bed last night at 9:30 and woke up this morning at 7.  So, she slept through the night and did not wake up once to eat.

But, I've read before, "My baby sleeps through the night and eats at 3AM".  Um...that's not sleeping through the night in my book.  Even if there is no play time and they eat and go right back to bed it is still not sleeping through the night.

To me, sleeping through the night is when mom sleeps through the night :)

Do y'all agree?  Tell me what you think!


Rachel and John said...

My doctor defines sleeping through the night as sleeping 6 hours. So if that baby went to bed at 9 and woke up at 3, that could be sleeping through the night. Just like if going to bed at 12 and waking up at 6 am is. I personally don't count it unless Henry sleeps past 6 am. Because anything before that is still night time to me!

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

totally agree with you!

Ryan V. said...

I agree with you! I wouldn't count it as sleeping through the night if you have to do a night time (between 12am-6am) feeding!

Sarah said...

Yeah, all the books and things consider a 6 hour stretch to be "sleeping through the night". I'm with you, though. 6 hours is a great stretch of sleep but for my own purposes I wouldn't consider it legitimately sleeping through the night.

Natalie said...

i agree. i would consider sleeping through the night when i don't have to get up to give a feeding until morning!
i remember when you were pregnant you said you were reading that how you got her to sleep through the night so early?

Kelli said...

I definitely would have agreed with you two months ago. Now, with Madison breastfeeding exclusively and typically waking once or twice a night to nurse and go back to sleep, I guess I grade on a bit of a curve. If she only wakes up to eat and goes to sleep right away, I consider it "through the night" and count my lucky stars. :)

the walton five said...

i DEFINITELY agree!! if momma has to wake up, it does NOT count!

Michele said...

My kids were always early in bed ie 630/730p so when they woke to nurse at 2 or 3a 6 hours later I did consider it sleeping through the night by definition, not their fault I didn't chose to go to bed at 7p. HA! But when momma gets to sleep all night long that is bliss! Just count your blessings Georgia is doing so well I have a 7.5 month old that is barely "sleeping through the night" by any stretch of the imagination.

Lauren said...

I agree with you, Emily. Our baby boy started sleeping from 7:30 pm-7:00 am when he was 2 months old. I am very thankful he sleeps through the night!

Anonymous said...

Our pediatrician considers sleeping through the night from 11pm - 5am with no wake ups. So a 6 hours stretch. My son was a horrible sleeping so now that he goes 12 hours with only waking up once to nurse I consider that sleeping through the night for us, because it's SOOO much better than what he was doing. What a blessing that Georgia is sleeping so long so young. I'm a little jealous. :)

Callie said...

I always read that "sleeping through the night" is defined as when a baby goes 8+ hours between feedings at night. So it depends on what time that person puts their baby to bed. Wyatt goes to bed at 7, so if he woke up at 3, that would be 8 hours. Thankfully though he goes to bed and doesn't wake up until 5ish, then he goes right back down for another four hours!

Ms. Chianne said...

I'm not a mom or anything, but I definitely have to agree with you. If they're eating then they are not sleeping.

cait said...

Without any "mommy" experience yet, I'm just throwing in my two cents for what it's worth...but I would agree with what you think is sleeping through the night. Because if Mom doesn't sleep through the night, then in my book, baby's not sleeping through the night! ;)

Cecilly said...

I agree. When momma sleeps 8 or 9 hours because baby is asleep; that's all night.


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