25 Weeks - Milam

May 10, 2016

Things are still going really well.  I have another appointment next week.  The glucose appointment which honestly, isn't bad.  With Georgia at least it wasn't bad so I'm hoping for a repeat of how her's went.  After this appointment I start going every two weeks which is crazy.  I think my final ultrasound is around 32 weeks.

Belly button has gotten much more shallow this week.  No stretch marks or weight news.  Still eating what seems to be less and less and I'm being more and more active.  I've had poison ivy the past two weeks and I finally seem to have it beat.  Goodness!

Sleep overall is good.  I'm so tired by the end of the day.  

I'm loving pineapple and ice water.  Making a lot of protein shakes for lunch and overall feeling really good.  My back pain is even improving from doing a whole lot of nothing.  Praise God.

Hoping J and I can pick up our house productivity level.  We've been so busy with our schedules that the house/nursery progress is a bit behind.

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