Week in the Life 42

December 10, 2018

I'm still busy editing away and trying to keep the house clean and keep the kids happy all the while.  I'm juggling a lot and feel like I'm dropping the ball but we're inching our way to Christmas break so it keeps me going!

Sunday we went to church and the neighborhood girls came over to play.  I had three photo shoots and Jonathan made fajitas.  It was yummy.
Mondays are my catch up days.  I try to be productive and have some calm from our busy weekends. I'm an introvert so photoshoots drain me when they are back to back to back and I have to be "on" all the time.  It's fine, I make it work.  Georgia and Jonathan also LOVE to have people over so Fri-Sun they have friends over a lot so Monday is like my day to have some peace.  Of course Milam is napping horribly and waking up before 7 most days, over a week of it now, so I'm not being nearly as productive as I should be because he isn't 100% him happy self and because I'm just exhausted and drained.  I hide to find some quiet but someone always finds me.  Haha.
Tuesday, after gymnastics, I took Georgia to watch her school's production of The Nutcracker with my mom and step dad.  After I took her for a quick dinner at Jason's Deli. It was nice to sit and talk to her one on one.
On Wednesday Georgia had a private gymnastics lesson and I had some (MORE!) X-rays done on my hip.  After we went to the store to let the kids pick our their new Christmas ornaments.  The ones they picked out are very much their interests right now so it works.  Milam picked a blue SUV that looks just like Jonathan's jeep and he also picked an RV.  Georgia picked a white owl like from Harry Potter.
Thursday my kids kind of went insane.  Both were in bad moods.  Jonathan's mom did bring me lunch so that was nice.  Milam and I ran in the morning.  My hip and tailbone don't hurt when I run...usually.  My hip usually hurts in the evenings after I run and my tailbone hurts every day and always but only when I'm sitting at a incline.  Hopefully I'll get some answers soon as to what is causing the pain.
Georgia had her fun run at school and we did fun Friday that night
The weekend was a blur of lounging, cutting down a tree that fell in our backyard due to a lot of rain, and Christmas activities.  I had photoshoots too.
 This has been the season of me always being cold!

 Bundled up for a chilly photo shoot

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