Barrett - 31 weeks

September 3, 2019

This week.  Goodness y'all.  I've officially hit that point in size where when I tell people how far I have left to go they're like, "Oh, wow!".  Yep, I know.  I'm big.  This entire pregnancy I've just felt big and in general not good about myself like I did with the other two.  I'm older for one and it's baby number three so I'm not expecting miracles but calves that aren't swollen would be nice.  Also non triple digit weather would be nice. I'm in such a hurry to not be pregnant anymore but at the same time in no rush to have a newborn living with me.  I'm one of those that has never really enjoyed the newborn phase. I'm fully aware of how much I wanted to be pregnant with Milam and how much my former self would loathe my current self for talking like this.  The irony is NOT lost on me, however, I just feel the way I do. In my heart I know children are a blessing but my head is just like, dear Lord, another one.  Sorry Barrett, I'm a third baby who was very much a surprise as well.  I never doubted my parents loved me or wanted me.  You'll survive ;)

Belly button is still hanging on as an innie just barely, no stretch marks, no idea on weight gain because I don't look at the scale at the doctor or own one at home, grumpy a lot (read above), emotional, always hot, sleeping good though, still walking 2 miles 5 days a week and working out 4-5 days a week...mainly just leg and arm toning. Doesn't seem to be working (insert cry/laugh emoji here!)

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