Barrett - One Week

November 2, 2019

Happy due date to our Baby Bear. Barrett's first week was really rough.  Combative eater and non sleeper - loves to be held. But, we've made a lot of progress.  He loves his nested bean swaddle and rock n play. I'm aware of the recall. 

He's in Huggies size 1 diapers (smaller than pampers 1s), newborn clothes, his umbilical cord fell off,  lost 8oz at his first appointment, but the doctor said he's crazy strong (he is!) and that he looks great.

The past few days he's had a fussy time at night but it hasn't been too horrible just yet.  He cries, eats, and sleeps, off and on which I know is normal but still super frustrating. But also in the past few days he's given us 2-3 good naps without fighting them all too hard and given us two really good stretches at night.  When he was 5 days old he did two 3 hour stretches at night and last night he did one 6 hour 15 minute stretch followed by some 1.5-2 hour stretches.  So, we've made some forward progress from his first four days of life where he was only sleeping 30 minutes at a time.

So far, to us he looks just like his older brother but I don't have the time/energy to do a comparison picture.  He siblings love him so much but we're all adjusting to being a group of five now and its quite the struggle with the kid's busy schedules.  We'll get there.  

Week One - Check!

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