Friday Favorites!

October 9, 2020

 I feel like we're starting to get into a good rhythm here at home with our growing schedules. The house has stayed clean (ish), my sessions are all getting mailed out at a reasonable time, dinners are getting cooked and both dinners and school lunches are getting healthier. Everyday I feel like I've run a marathon but that just means I'm getting my steps in right?! Actually, if I get my Bible reading done, eat breakfast, lunch, and work out then it feels like a successful day. Oh, and the kids are all alive so bonus points. (One secret is that Jonathan cooks four meals on Sunday and freezes them. I thaw and serve. Game changer y'all.)

I've had our fall stuff sitting in the garage for weeks. I'm slowly getting stuff out. I don't seem to have much urgency this year. Our table scape in the the newly remodeled dining room is a favorite for me right now.

Barrett's love for his Nana. Always a favorite. That boy is pure joy and so rotten. 

Milam hasn't shown a whole lot of interest in Barrett. He still doesn't. Occasionally they'll have a moment and when it happens I just adore it. If Barrett is rotten then I don't know what to call Milam but I still love the little stinker.

This boy is PURE SUGAR and we cannot get enough of him.

Milam has switched to quiet time rather than a nap time but on most days I find him like this. If he doesn't nap then he's a bear. If he falls asleep on his own he's a bear. I love bears though so yay me ;)

We tried some new trails and I'm excited to have Georgia and Jonathan come next time. Nature is a favorite.

This little conversation. An all time favorite.

Milam: Momma, I picked you a flower because that's how I send you my love.
Me: That's so sweet. Who told you that?

Milam: I told myself that!

I love this dress, from H&M, on my G with her Vans. Such cute combo.

Happy LONG weekend. G has off today and Monday and Jonathan has off all next week. YAY.

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