Our LOVE Story

February 13, 2012

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Over 11 years

2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
Summer of 1998 I moved to Crosby, TX and met Jonathan at church before we started our 7th grade year. Let's just say sparks DID NOT fly. We were not really fans of each other.

The end of 8th grade was when we became friends...so that was in 2000.

By August of 9th grade we were pretty much "BFF".

October 25th, 2000 he said, "will you go out with me?" and I said, "yeah!" He walked me to class (English with Mrs. Hunter), handed me a note, hugged me and left. So romantic, I know. To add to the romantic atmosphere when he actually asked me out we were standing next to the girls bathroom...lovely!

By February I knew I loved him and wanted to marry him. I know this because we were planning a friend's b-day party and we were thinking of inviting him and I thought it would be weird to be without him and from then on I couldn't imagine myself with out Jonathan.

 {senior prom}

4 years of High School go by and then we get to college


Yes, Jonathan broke up with me OVER THE PHONE (he went to HBU and I went to Baylor) while I was standing outside in a parking lot on September 24th 2004. Ugh, the nerve! We were broken up for 6 months. We spoke on the phone every Sunday, saw each other only 2 times, and wrote emails EVERYDAY. So, yes we were broken up (I dated someone else...gasp!) but we were never over each other.

March 24th 2005 Jonathan and I get back together (over the phone via text...ha!) and have been together ever since
 More details HERE

3. If married, how long have you been married?
We have been married a little over 3.5 years.

4.If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?
We were married at a bed and breakfast with a little over 150 people attending.  It could not have been more lovely and was exactly the wedding I had hoped for.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another?
No, not really.  I’m not into the nickname thing with anyone I know except Georgia

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
He is:

7. Tell us how he proposed?
Here is how Jonathan POPPED the question!
Jonathan proposed on Friday, April the 13th. At the time I lived in Waco (going to Baylor) and Jonathan lived in Houston (going to Houston Baptist University). I knew he was having a ring made and I knew he had talked to my parents (he talked to my dad first and then talked to my mom second b/c my parents are divorced...poor guy) but I had no idea when he was going to ask. Although, it is hard to keep secrets when you've been dating for over 6 years. Moving on...on Monday one of my friends said, "lets go to dinner and a movie on Friday!" and of course I said ok. I had no idea my three best friends including my roommate were all in on the secret. Jonathan had been calling them about it for awhile. So, we went out to eat and to the movies and the entire time my friends were getting calls and texts like crazy...I had no idea it was Jonathan. They all knew he was on his way to Waco but I didn't think he was coming that weekend. After the movie my friends Jaclyn and Ashley drop me off at my town house. Jac is one of those super careful friends and always makes sure her friends get into the house ok before she drives off so I didn't think it was strange when she parked at my house rather than dropping me off. So, I walk in the door and Jonathan is standing in my living room (this is the reason my roommate went out of town since Jonathan took over the entire lower half of our house) with 6 candles lit (we were together 6 years at this point) and there were 78 rose petals on the floor. One for every month we had been together (I would have never gotten that if he hadn't told me). I said, "what are you doing here?" I'm not sure why I said that since it was totally obvious and he instantly got down on one knee and said, "will you marry me?" I'm pretty sure I put my hands over my mouth and said yes but I can't really be sure. Then I pulled him up and went to give him and hug but he stopped me and was like, "no, you have to put on the ring first". Of course, I did and then we hugged. A few minutes later it all clicked in my head and I opened my front door and my 2 friends instantly ran in screaming...then I knew they were in on it the whole time!

See more details HERE!

{Our engagement party}

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
He likes to buy me flowers and to cook for me.  We both enjoy champagne and wine too.  He also likes to give me cards or bring home candy for me just because.

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I guess I would say beach.  I’m the kind of person who gets bored, cabin fever, and likes to be on the go.  I generally think movie watching can be a bit boring.  Of course, with Georgia things are a lot different now.

10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant other one day?  If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Just to travel more in general.  I thought I would be able to leave Georgia more…that it would be easier but I’m just not very good at it although I want to be.

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
I have no clue.  It’s Tuesday.  How lame is that?

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
Nope.  Jonathan bought me a new Coach “mom” bag and it was his idea.  It was really sweet J

13. Give us one piece of advice on keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
TALK…a lot!  Resolve your problems.  Don’t hold anything in for long…just talk about it.

14.  Show us a picture of what love means to you.


Mallorie said...

y'all are precious!!! My hubby is terrible at keeping secrets from me too :-) I love your proposal story!!! I'm assuming you went to the Waco movie theater before you got engaged? If so, that's the last place I was before I got engaged too! haha too funny!!! Hope y'all have a great Valentine's day! And I for some reason thought I would be MUCH better at leaving EC than I am...sigh. Maybe I'll get better at it as she gets older!

Jamie said...

Y'all are so cute! LOVE that last picture :)

Stephanie said...

Cute story- how fun that you have such a history together! And I think all of us with little ones are probably not doing much for v-day, it's just not that important. And a new Coach bag sounds great! I have recently turned my purse obssesion to a diaper bag obsession, so a new purse or diaper bag would be fantastic :) Happy Wednesday!


Courtney at Little Moments said...

Precious!! Love the stories!!

Hilary said...

Aww, you guys are so cute! New follower. :-)

karensmith said...
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