Spring Break 2017

March 20, 2017

(I post a lot of insta and insta stories so sometimes this is a bit redundant.  Follow me at MrsEmilyPowell)

Originally we had no real plans over spring break.  I had shoots the first Saturday and Sunday and the last Friday, Georgia had two gymnastics camps, and my mother in law wanted to watch Georgia a few nights.  So, all in all that left us with kind of no options in terms of travel.  THEN, I rescheduled some photo shoots due to weather and was like, "let's do this!" but what I wanted to do wasn't really possible because of the weather.  I wanted to rent a cabin in a state park.  BUT it was raining so that was really pointless and once I looked into it further everything within driving distance was booked...solid.  Duh.  Then we were like, "hey let's just go to Austin" and we ALMOST booked something until a friend reminded us is was SXSW.  UM...no thanks.  That would have been horrible and explains why everything was SO much more expensive than it normally had been.  I like where we live but the Houston area is SO FAR south in Texas that it really limits the things we can do within driving distance.  Anyways, Jonathan and I have learned our lesson and are sitting down to book some trips TONIGHT for this summer!

But, we had a really great break.  

On Friday we went to Tommy Bahamas in The Woodlands with the sole purpose of letting the kids play in the grass and it worked out beautifully.  Milam is so loud that if we go out to eat we like to sit outside.  I hate disturbing people at restaurants.  I know some would say don't worry about others but I am "one of those" others.  If Jonathan and I go out on a much needed date I don't want to sit and listen to your kid scream.  I just don't.  As soon as one of my kids start to act up I immediately remove them from the situation.  So yes, patio dining for us.
Saturday we had breakfast and then borrowed a friend for G.  When we want to go do fun things its usually nice to bring along someone for Georgia since her and Milam don't really "play".  He can't run around with her, or color or draw, or do cartwheels.  We actually invited this little friend out to dinner the night before and she couldn't make it so we took them to lunch and bowling the next day.  They had fun eating bar food, bowling, and playing arcade games.  They came home and played for several more hours.
Sunday Georgia woke up with semi bad allergy eyes so Jonathan went to church and the rest of us stayed home.  I soaked G in a steam shower.  When he got home he went to my brother's house and took apart their trampoline and brought it home in his car.  Then I went to a shoot.  When I got home he worked on the trampoline some more.  Then I had another shoot. I came home to the rest of my little family jumping on the trampoline.  G is obsessed.

Monday, Georgia had a two hour gymnastics bars camp and then she had her regular 2 hours of gymnastics and power tumbling.  So she was DONE! Of course she got in some time on the trampoline though.  We've all had a lot of fun jumping.

Also would like to note that Georgia's second front tooth FINALLY came out.  That is four teeth lost total.
Tuesday, Georgia had a two hour strength and conditioning gymnastics camp and then we headed into The Woodlands for dinner.  Since we are pretty much only eating outside now we managed to pick the perfect place with patio seating on the water with a small lawn to play on.  It was fantastic.
On Wednesday Jonathan took Georgia to his parent's house to spend two nights.  His mom and been begging us for her to come stay so off she went.  Jonathan met his dad for lunch and then they went shooting.  I stayed home with the baby.  That evening we celebrated my brother's birthday at my mom's house.  Milam celebrated by wearing Uncle Austin's old clothes.
We didn't really have plans to have a "stay-cation" but we actually did.  We didn't plan anything but would just wake up and do what we felt like doing.  I worked out great.  We had a "fun activity" every day.  It is going to be so hard to get back into our normal routine.
Although...our new routine includes a lot of this...
On Thursday we did landscaping and Jonathan went fishing with my step dad while my mom and I went on an Arby's date with Milam.
Isn't it so funny how different the same baby looks from different angles and with different expressions?!  Love him.
On Friday we ran errands as soon as M got up so we could finish the landscaping during his first nap and be ready to pick sister up from MeMe's when he woke up.  It was also St. Patrick's day so we all wore green.  After we were home and rested we did bluebonnet picture and went to the park.
(He's wearing Jonathan's jon-jon)
On Saturday went to my nephews baseball game, did some resale shopping, and went out to dinner because the transformer blew across the street from our house so Jonathan didn't have power to finish our dinner.  After dinner we went to the park and back home for trampoline time, baths, and bed.  Oh, and I did a mountain of laundry.  It never ends when your baby spits up...and then climbs onto the pile of clean clothes and spits up some more...
Sundays are for church around here...and getting ready to tackle Mondays.  Georgia had a friend come home with us from church and they just played so well (my old dance costumes are a huge hit).  I had one quick photoshoot but the rest of my family went on a walk and jumped the evening away while I worked.
Milam wore my brother's bubble to church and I'm fairly certain I've never seen anything so cute in my entire life.  He's just the most beautiful baby boy I have ever laid my eyes on.
Have a happy post SB17 Monday
...if you can...
(We pretty much had the best break ever and we're all dreading Monday morning!)


Natalie@She Builds Her Home said...

That sounds like such a great week! Sorry your travel plans didn't work out, but weeks like these are so nice and much needed sometimes! I am jealous of all your patio dining options--we are totally in the phase of being too bothersome to be in restaurants (why are boys so LOUD!?). I'm hoping we will have more options once it warms up a little!

Nicole @ Two and Two is 4 said...

My little guy always turns over while he's naked right after a bath! He wants to go back in right away! I love how much he loves being in the tub and how he can sit up and crawl around in there!!


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