Odds and Ends - May

May 31, 2017

Between Georgia's birthday, her birthday party, her last day of school, and all of the end of the year activities I feel like I've skipped a few little tid bits of life.

THIS girl turned SIX! Can you believe it?! I sure can't!
 I went to eat lunch with her at school.  This was actually the first time I've eaten with her.  Other people have but I never have because Milam has ALWAYS napped at 11, when her lunch is, but now that he is on one nap we were able to make it.  She was so excited!  Love my crazy little monkeys and I'm so blessed to be their momma!
 Took her to get yogurt for dinner.  She loved it!
Her last month of school they assigned a letter to each day.  This day was Q for Queen day...we figured dressing like Cinderella was close enough.  I may add that she has the most perfectly shaped little head ever.
On Thursdays they have "active start" which is recess before school starts, in addition to their normal recess.  So, she said by the time school started her crown, headband, and necklace were broken and her bun had fallen out.  Momma tried!
 She participated in her first field day.  We were getting her all pumped up at home and she was like, "what does field day mean?!"  Well, guess we should have explained that first!  She looks so big in this picture to me!  Like she's off to middle school cheer leading practice!
I asked her to smile and this is what I got.  The teacher's behind me laughed and said, "Oh Field Day Princess" and "Georgia! I love her! She's my spirit animal!" So happy that she is so well loved on her campus.
My sweet, sweet messy eaters!
 Hi ya guys, I'm so cute and mostly up to no good.
Hi ya guys, I just slept 13.5 hours and am feelin' good...
Hi ya guys, watcha doin'
 I had to snag a good nine month picture of Milam.  I have Georgia's newborn, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months on canvas so I needed one to go along side hers.  I think I got one!  Isn't he just the most beautiful baby?! (I can say these things because he's mine and it's my blog!)  ;)  And, I promise I don't edit his eyes or hair.  They're that lovely in person.  I just wish his mile long eye lashes photographed well.  They're blonde like his eyebrows so they don't always show up.
Family movie night at church.  Georgia had a great time and I was a total loser and worked on pictures the entire time.
I really like dressing for holidays.  This was the Friday before Memorial Day.  It is a serious holiday but I really enjoy my red, white, and blue.
 Had to have the toe nails to match!
We went out to dinner on Saturday and Georgia had a very low fever so I knew I wasn't going to be sending her to church so I tried to get some good pictures since I wasn't going to take their normal Sunday morning pictures.  They are no where near perfect but I love them anyhow.  And it is obvious in the pictures but I just have to stay that they think THE WORLD of each other.  I love their age gap because they're too far apart to bother each other.  Just a lot of love and cuddles.
My babies.  Melt my heart.
Even though it's getting hotter and more humid by the minute we are still enjoying a lot of outdoor time.  Milam is a full blown walker and Georgia is riding her bike.
Georgia was still rocking her mild fever, no clue what she had - hoping Milam doesn't get anything - but we were getting cabin fever on Monday morning so we went out.
We grabbed a shared lunch at Whole Foods and then hit the (faux) lawn for some playing.
We made hamburgers with my mom and step dad on Monday evening and I had a newborn photo shoot later that day.
Bring it, JUNE!

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