Barrett - 21 Weeks

June 22, 2019

Much more to update this week.  I had my 20 week ultrasound and Barrett is weighing it at one pound even.  Georgia was 10 oz and Milam was 11oz at this point.  The ultrasound tech is the same man who did Milam's and exactly guessed Milam's weight.  Guessed 8 pounds and 8 ounces on the dot. He said Bear is on track to be bigger than brother (if he makes it to 40 weeks like my other two did). His leg and head were in the 95th percentile.  Said he looked, "tall and smart, nothing average about him". Ha, so I guess that's good!  We were able to count all ten of his fingers and all ten of his toes and see both of his eyes.  He was already head down and the tech mentioned how big his head was.  Fantastic.  Barrett's profile and 3D ultrasound look strikingly similar to Milam's.  Even the way they were tilting their heads all the way back.  Took the ultrasound tech a good long while to get him to pull his head up.  Their profile shot does not look like big sister's.

One minor issue came up, which the doctor isn't worried about, and has a 99.99% of resolving on its own.  Worst case I would have a c-section.  I have marginal Previa. My placenta is a little too close to my cervix opening (it's not even touching or partially covering) but since your uterus grows up my doctor said it is nearly impossible for the placenta not to move up.  She'll check it again at 26 weeks so we should be seeing him again pretty soon.

He's had the hiccups several times this week which is kind of funny and I want to eat a lot of BBQ.  Nom.
Milam is on the left and Barrett is on the right
Comparing all of their profiles
(sorry bud, your name is wrong below!)

1 comment:

Heather Lockhart said...

FTM, but I had the same marginal previa issue and it (finally) resolved at my 32 week ultasound. No change at my 28 week US, so if it hasn't improved at your next one, don't get too discouraged (like I did...) still plenty of time!


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