Friday Favorites

July 18, 2019

The past month or so Milam has only wanted me.  It hadn't been bad until bedtime because Jonathan always puts the kids down for bed but lately he would just be bawling and screaming for me until me and Jonathan switched.  He seems to have switched now and is all about Jonathan and Georgia.  The switch has been nice because I've gotten a little me time back at the end of the day. During the day these two have been all about the snuggles and I'm ok with being left out. (Currently they are NOT playing nicely)
They both dressed themselves below...
 Trying new things
Georgia tried volleyball for the first time.  We thought she may like it.  Ha.  We were wrong.  She was not a fan.  She liked going to camp at Jonathan's school (she feels so cool) and getting to buy snacks but other than that it was kind of a bust.  So, that's a no for soccer, dance, and volleyball.  Sticking with gymnastics for now I guess.
I've been using sonic as a bribe this week. I get them kid's sized drinks so I think it's like less than two bucks to get them two slushes.  Mom win for sure for them to be nice during over an hour of errands.
Time Outs
We've tried several forms of discipline for this little guy and time outs finally seem to be working.  He knows I set the timer, he knows to listen for it, he knows where the time out spot is, and afterwards he gets up and apologizes and tells what he did that was wrong.  He's turned such a big corner.  I'm sure we'll have set backs but for now he's doing really well...which we've had a lot of practice because he's turned to hitting, kicking, and throwing.  It's been fun.  Doesn't he look sorry?

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