A One Week Recap

August 26, 2019

We had so much going on this week! Birthday celebrations upon birthday celebrations for starters!

I don't really remember much about Monday.  It was hot and Georgia had gymnastics.  The end. Oh, and my alarm clock didn't go off.  Good way to start off the week.

Jonathan's actual birthday was Wednesday but Georgia has gymnastics so we went out to dinner (again) to celebrate our favorite guy! It's really hard for me to find a balance in making each boy feel celebrated on their actual birthday.  It is a super bummer to wake up on your actual birthday with nothing to look forward to.
I took this adorable photo of Georgia and her little friend holding hands on the way into school.
I cooked dinner and went to buy some cupcakes so J wouldn't have to cook on his birthday. Georgia had gymnastics and then I put my bitty boy down for bed for the last time as a TWO year old.
My baby turned 3 today. I can't even believe it.
Milam had a doctor's appointment that went less than swell.  He is 35.8 pounds (86%) and is 38.9 inches tall (74%) and he's perfectly healthy minus the fact that he has molescums. It's a super common skin virus that a lot of people get but the doctor doesn't think his preschool will let him come because of them (Georgia had them for TWO years and he's only had them a few months) so we're kind of in a limbo situation until we find out what the school has to say about it.  If they say he can't come it will be a super bummer but maybe he can be rid of them by the semester and start in the new year.  I don't know.  The doctor gave us some home remedies to try to get the cycle going faster but since they're a virus there isn't a whole lot you can do.

I worked a lot on Saturday.  I had a shoot in Houston at 10 am and then a shoot in Kingwood at 6.  I did nearly 4 hours of just driving.  That didn't include working.  Jonathan manned the fort and ran errands and got Milam a much needed hair cut.  Milam DOES NOT like his hair in his eyes! My evening shoot the fam went with me though and played for an hour while I worked and then we went out for dinner.
We had church and then relaxed, and cooked, and Georgia played with the bestie all day.
Happy Monday!

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