Summer Favorites, Staying Healthy, and Beating Molescums!

September 12, 2019

In the summer you think that everyone is healthy and happy but that isn't the case.  It's hot and humid here which is the perfect place for germs to brew!  My kids always have bathed together but we started making them take separate baths once it was confirmed that Georgia had molescums (skin virus) because to me that just seemed so much healthier instead of spreading their germs all over each other.  Also, I now have buckets for their toothbrushes and toothpaste.  We all have our own toothpaste so no body shares anymore. Every sink in the house has it's own hand sanitizer and so do our cars and my purse...and Georgia's back pack! Here is what we've been using to stay 100%!  I don't know if any of this is working but it sure isn't hurting!
Colloidal Silver
Significantly sped up the time in which Milam's molescums healed. Our doctor recommended we use it because he had tried EVERYTHING on his son and this was all that worked.  We battled it with Georgia for about two years and Milam's was gone within months.  I started using it three times a day but now just use it once after his bath.  And for my kid's privacy I'm not posting pictures of their bumps.  Georgia's were on her legs but she was very self conscious about them.  Milam's were in his underwear area so I can't post before and afters.

Colloidal Silver Soap
(Same as before!) Significantly sped up the time in which Milam's molescums healed. Our doctor recommended we use it because he had tried EVERYTHING on his son and this was all that worked.  We battled it with Georgia for about two years and Milam's was gone within months.  I just use it once a day at bath and that's it!  Both my doctor and I were worried Milam would not be allowed at school because of his skin but in the week that I started the colloidal silver products his bumps were about 90% clearer.  He was able to go to school with no issues! Huge relief.

Vitamins + Probiotics
My kids take these everyday.  I upped Milam's dose while his molescums were really bad.  It is a vitamin and probiotic in one yummy gummy.  Too easy!  I started Milam on a probiotic when he had a patch of eczema on his face around 12 months.  Nothing the doctor recommended worked (different dermatologist that G and J because she isn't taking new patients anymore) and a friend suggested a probiotic and it was already improved after one dose.  It is insane what a probiotic can do for your tummy and skin!

Vitamin D
When we took Georgia to the dermatologist for her warts several years ago and molescums (earlier this year) they always said to up the Vitamin D so that's what we did! Its suggested that "flu season" is made worse because in the winter we are in the sun less because it's cold and dark outside. Several doctors have told us to up the Vitamin D when sick so we just take it all year round.

Worked Miracles on Georgia's legs after her battle with molescums.  She had so many pits and scars and within days they were healing SO quickly.  I was shocked.  I even use it on my pregnant belly! Mind you this won't get rid of molescums but will heal all the scars they leave. Milam loves getting it on his legs.  He smells them and says, "Oh! It smells like cookies!"

Elderberry Syrup
My kids take this every day! It is supposed to promote a healthy immune system and prevent the flu.

Yes, I feel like an apothecary everyday while handing out all the kid's meds and supplements but hey, just trying to keep everyone healthy and happy!

Kinsa Smart Thermometer
When we are sick this is what I use.  It tracks the temps on your phone by person so it's really easy to keep up with who had what temp and when! Plus you get to pop digital bubbles while you wait.

Plus some other things that made my summer so much better!

Our go to sunscreen.  None of us are allergic to it.  I've tried so many on myself and so far this is by far the easiest to apply of the ones that I'm not allergic to.

Super picky about fit and these (only the peach ones) fit perfect

Most soaps make me nauseas these days (pregnancy is strange) and I love the slightly cooling feeling of the mint.  It is so relaxing!

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