Friday Favorites

September 13, 2019

On Monday I got ONE step closer to finishing my August wedding.  I just have one reception folder to go so I'm hoping to have it done before I hit the one month turn around mark.  Yay me! Which will hopefully give me time to get all my September edits done and emailed before my October wedding.'s a lot of work to get done before Barrett makes his debut!

Also, while the school has not finished Milam's speech paper work we got one step closer to getting him enrolled in speech.  The SLP gave me so much helpful information and I'm really anxious to get him started but kind of sad to say goodbye to how he talks.

Not my favs...a three hour gym class while Jonathan had to work open house.

I have no idea what we did with our lives on Tuesday

The best thing that happened on Wednesday was using my CFA points (I'm a red member, nbd) to snag a free drink and fries.  Sometimes I save up my points and get a whole meal for free but just wanted a snack today.  My mom friends and I did a lot of Marco Polo-ing that day and all of us had been through the CFA drive thru that day.  So funny.

Also Milam told me, "Baby Barrett might be a puppy" and when I told him that wasn't possible he said, "well, he might be!"
I got G off to school but Milam woke up feeling a little warm to the touch (not a favorite at all) and not acting like himself or wanting to eat.  He didn't have a fever but I decided we just needed to stay home and lay low for the day to see what was going on with him.  My absolute favorite was us laying in bed while he watched TV and me just "resting my eyes".  He reached over and just held my hand.  For like 30 minutes.  It was the sweetest. And, so is the picture of him.
I also updated the Home Videos section of my YouTube which my kids are pretty much the only viewers of...BUT if you want to go take a look the link is HERE

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