Barrett - 38 Weeks

October 18, 2019

I'm 38 weeks!
And look how tired I am.  I shot a wedding for 8 hours today!
At my appointment on Wednesday I was 80% and 2cm which is exactly where I was with Milam at 38 weeks.  We're not thinking I'll be making it to Halloween even though my due date isn't until November 2nd.  I'm still swelling which is super annoying and uncomfortable.  No stretch marks, belly button is in, and he hasn't "dropped" but is lower than he was at 37 weeks.  I'm shooting a wedding today so that's insane and then I have a newborn shoot on Sunday.  I just really need to get through this weekend and then he is welcome to get here.  I think mentally I am ready to meet him or maybe I'm just ready to not be pregnant anymore (this is for sure true!).  My neighbor asked me the other day if I was ready and I said, "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be" which I think is how it is with any pregnancy. You can only do so much to prepare although I could have done a few things better this time around.  I've put so many things off thinking I would get time but the time just never came and now we have two weeks or less.  Their brother/sister shirts just shipped yesterday, his hospital gown hasn't shipped, we've done zero meal prep, and I haven't finished the notes for my mom and Jonathan. But hey, it will all work out, right?

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