Barrett - Two Months

December 26, 2019

Barrett is two months old today and this little guy has stolen all of our hearts.  It's been a big month for him.  Lots of changes.
Monday, December 23rd he had his tongue tie clipped.  The second he was born I noticed the under side of his mouth looked different than my other two kids. Mainly that his frenulum was super visible.  I made a mental note about it and then never really thought about it again. Nursing didn't go well for various reasons, some caused by the tongue tie, but I was too sleepy to put it all together. When he was about a month and a half he was still eating so slowly (40 minutes to eat 3oz) and the tongue tie came back to my mind.  I took him into his doctor and the PA said it did seem that he had a minor tongue tie and lip tie.  She suggested I go to an ENT.  I made an appointment with an ENT at Texas children's and she said yes he did have a tongue tie but because he was bottle fed it shouldn't matter and that it was so minor that it wouldn't effect his speech. She wan't me to get a swallow study done if I was still bothered with his eating and suggested that maybe he wasn't interested in eating. It was honestly such a waste of time.  He swallows fine, I knew he did, and I was super frustrated.  Georgia had her scheduled dental cleaning and Barrett went with us.  The dentist looked at it (did a better exam than the ENT) and said it was really tight in there and clipped it a few days later.  He was in A LOT of pain the first part of the day but after some Tylenol and a few days he was feeling a lot better.  Look at that tiny little pout :( I'm really disappointed in myself for not saying anything at the hospital because his newborn days could have gone a lot differently.
 He is sleeping a lot better.  He's probably my best night time sleeper and has done the best with sleep training.  He'll take 6 hours worth of naps during the day and typically does 45 minutes to an hour for three of his naps and then does one 3 hour nap we just don't always know when the long nap is going to come.  For night time he goes to bed at 9:40 most nights and sleeps for 8-10 hours without waking.  It's usually 9 or 9.5 and somewhere in the early morning. 5-7ish.  Most of the time he will eat and then fall back to sleep and he either wakes up an hour or so later or I get him up at 8:30 to start his day.  He only stays awake for about one hour.  We are currently weaning him off of the Dock a tot and he's still swaddled for every sleep.
 He follows the eat-play-sleep routine and eats 3-4 oz every time he gets up for a nap or bedtime. He can roll front to back, smile, laugh, recognizes our voices, stops crying in his bed as soon as I come in the room and talk to him, he holds his head up really well, rocks tummy time and sometimes wiggles his little knees like he's trying to crawl...he isn't but it's funny. He is super easy to make smile.  If we make eye contact with him and talk to him then he lights up.  It's really cute and he especially likes it when his sister talks to him. In general he's a really happy little guy.
In addition to the ENT/dentist/tongue tie issue he will be seeing a cardiologist in January for a possible heart murmur and I'm fairly certain his head is uneven on his back right side.  I'll be asking about that at his appointment next week to see if he needs a baby helmet in his future.

Post two month appointment:
Length: 24in (85%)
Head: 16in (88%)
Weight: 15lbs (94%)

I'm really excited to watch him grow and check off all of his milestones. We love you bitty bear.

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