Barrett - Three Months

January 26, 2020

Barrett! You are THREE months old.  I'm so excited for you! 
You're a very content and sweet little guy.  You smile ALL THE TIME (I think you may just be the happiest of my three) and don't fuss unless you're tired. You cry when you wake up from your naps in your crib but as soon as I open the door and start talking to you, no matter how hard you were crying, you instantly stop. I would say I'm probably your favorite person, currently, but that's probably just because you hang out with me more than anyone else in the house.
You have these big DARK eyes which is so different than your siblings who have big light blue eyes.  Super cute all the same just getting used to looking at dark eyes vs. blue eyes.  Jury is still out on your hair color. I don't know your weight or length but you're in 3-6 month clothes and size three diapers. Your head seems really huge and has a flat spot still on your back right side. I asked your doctor about it at 2 months old and they said they would check again at 4 months. I know its because I just loved your siblings perfectly round heads a little too much.  I'm getting paid back 😂
You follow the eat - play - sleep schedule. You eat 4-6 ounces each bottle and drink about 25 ounces per day. You spit up maybe once a day and it's not a lot. You had your first drop of drool the other day. You sweat A LOT when you sleep just like your siblings. You rarely use your Paci any more and just spit it out. You're rocking a slight rash/dry skin on your face.  You can't see it but I can just feel it.
You sleep about 10 hours every night. Last night you went to bed at 8:10 and slept until 6:15. You ate 6 ounces and then woke up for the day at 8:30.  You don't always go back to sleep though.  Depends on if it's a weekend or weekday and we need to be somewhere or if you just don't want to fall back asleep.  In a perfect world you would take three one hour naps and one 2-3 hour naps.  It's what your little body needs but you don't always do it.  That's what you do about 60% of the time. Other times you'll take 4 one hour naps. And other times still you'll throw in some short naps just to keep me on my toes.  When you do a long nap I have no idea when that will occur or if we'll be home when you want to do it. I'm excited for you to be older and have a more predictable nap schedule.
You're really happy.  You are super great at tummy time. You've been rolling front to back for a long time and are now showing signs of wanting/trying to roll back to front. You love your hands right now and chew on them all day long.  It's really cute. You talk a lot and have real belly laughs.  We can tickle you or talk to you and you'll give us a real laugh.  Then, if we laugh you'll laugh some more. You really like standing up and feel so big and just talk and talk when I stand you up.

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