Day in the Life - Corona School

April 29, 2020

Here is a normal weekday at our house.  It is possibly the most boring thing I have ever written/read in my life. I apologize. Lots of time outside. We're enjoying the weather now because soon it will be too hot for us to get out much. We've been really lucky for most of this quarantine with really great weather. I also apologize for how many typos I've had the past few weeks. I clearly never proof any of these.

6:15 Jonathan gets up.  He likes to get going in the morning alone and that's fine with me. He fields the kids as they wake up.
Around 7:00 B cries once so I get up and make the bed but he never wakes up.
7:30 Milam is up and eating while watching Turbo on Disney Plus. J started a zoom work Bible study that he does every Monday with his co-workers.
B was up at 8:00. (Slept a full 12 hours. Praise the Lord!)
8:20 and Milam is outside in his PJs watching the garbage man and B is doing tummy time. Milam loves Mondays because it's garbage day.
8:32 G wakes (I think J made us cinnamon rolls) up and J starts his second meeting. Milam starts riding his bike
8:45 I get G started on school (late for us but rarely does she sleep past 8) and I put M in our room with J while he works and M watches a movie. On Mondays we do a lot of school so that we can take Fridays off so I need to be able to actually teach...hence, Milam needs to be gone for a bit.
9:15 I get B's breakfast. Yes, he's always this happy.
10:00 we go on a family walk. We get to my mom's and help her out some (herniated disk). This little nut laid down and pretended to take a nap.
We get home and B naps at 11:00 and we eat lunch. Milam's goal is to try just ONE bite of each veggie on his plate. He likes fruit more while G likes veggies more. Can't win 'em all.
11:48 we're done with school and lunch and we are headed outside again.
12:50 Barrett wakes up
I do a quick business post while J feeds B. 
G colors
M does school work and then goes back outside
 Barrett does more tummy time.
(His faces here kill me.)
Tummy time isn't his favorite but we're really forcing it so that he'll get some interest in crawling.
Still hanging out outside
1:40 G heads to her friend down the street's house to swim.  They are each other's corona friends. They only see each other so it works for us.
I schedule two doctors appointments and redid some art in the living room. We were rearranging and planning to get a sectional but the one we want is not in stock in our area to deliver so we're just making due until we're able to get it.
2:50 M takes his second nap and J leaves for a bike ride. B goes down at 3:27 and I work out and message clients
By 4:45 everyone is awake and home. Georgia goes outside to work on gym and the wheels kind of fall off our entire day. Emotional break down.
5:40 we ride bikes to my mom's for dinner. My aunt ordered out for us. (She's been coming to help my mom out since she hurt her back because my mom is my grandmother's care taker). We had BBQ and hamburgers. Yum

See...always happy.  Love that smile.
7:19 Boys get baths and B goes down. 
Milam and I watch TV with Georgia until it's time for him to go down.
Had our weekly friend movie club zoom at 9.
Bed time!

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