Friday Favorites

August 21, 2020

1. Our first FULL week of school is complete and we're closer to getting to go back to school in person and I cannot wait.

2. Echo Dot. We have a dot that we rarely used. I put it in Georgia's room the other day to set up some alarms for her and the kids have been LOVING it. So much so that I bought THIS one for Milam and plan on setting wake time alarms for him (we shuffle music as alarms). I plan to use it as a sound machine while he's sleeping and then programming it to play soft piano music when he's allowed to get out of bed. He'll love it.

3. I bought a new backdrop and light kit. I'm excited about it. I did some test shots on the boys. So funny.

4. Willow on a skateboard. Seriously?! This is the best.

5. Morning tea. Some thing the other day about having tea in the car while driving the kids to speech just felt like fall and felt normal. For once. It was really nice.

6. I bought more colloidal silver products. THIS liquid and THIS body wash. It works so great to clear up my kid's skin. And, while we're on Amazon order...I get asked a lot about the gel I use on Milam's hair. I just bought THIS gel and it works better than anything I've tried. (Just ignore the name!)

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