Our Past Few Days

August 17, 2020

 The best thing that happened this week was that we survived. I won't pretend that I think online school is a good option but here we are, not by choice, and we made it! I'll back up a little bit though.

I got an old Radio Flyer mini bike out for Barrett. He loves to sit on it for the longest time and sometimes he moves his little feet and makes it go. It's really cute. (Plastic version HERE - I couldn't find the sweet wooden version)

I took the kids to the "Free Zoo" (Petsmart) and they had so much fun. This was something we used to do a lot but I had forgotten about it.

On the last day of summer I took the kids to our favorite bakery, Montgomery Bakehouse to get some treats to celebrate/mourn we can't actually go back to school

The first day of school came and it was a total disaster! Literally, everything I touched went to...you know what. It was an awful day. A sweet friend stopped by though with SO MUCH candy for me though (having no idea the kind of day I was having) and they cashier at Starbucks was a literal angel when I dropped my change in the drive through and the black tea lemonade hit the spot. It's my fav.

The kids snuggled and were adorable.

Day two went so much better and the boys were much more agreeable on day two...until they weren't.  It was NOT a favorite that we ended the night in the ER with Barrett with a possible hernia. The bulge went away so that points to hernia but the doctors need to see it...or we need to catch it on video. 

Day three was a really great though. Jonathan went in late and took Georgia with him so that was a favorite for sure. Barrett was his normal angelic self and had no flair up and slept like a dream. Still just waiting...but most of the time this little guy defines joy.

All of Milam's back to school clothes are in. Finally. Yay. Still trying to figure out how to dress my nine year old. We're at a hard age.

Milam also got an early birthday present! He got a new racing bike! They drove all the way to Lake Charles to get it.

A favorite for sure is that Barrett has said two (little!) sentences now. He's said, "dada bye bye" and "bye bye momma" The sweetest boy! In this photo there is a little toy phone behind him. He picked it up when he said, "dada bye bye". He's so smart, y'all!

On Sunday, Georgia went to church with my mom. With the church schedule and our work schedules we couldn't go this Sunday as a family. This was the first Sunday they've been open with childcare.
We had a rough day with what we think is Barrett's hernia so I'm hoping Monday will go smoothly even thought we have a lot on our plate! Here's to Monday!

1 comment:

Callie said...

Ah, I hope things went smoother yesterday! I think online school would be so hard. 😬 And poor Barrett with his hernia! One of my girls had a belly button hernia, but our doc didn’t seem too concerned about it. 😕


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