Barrett - 11 Months

September 28, 2020

I honestly cannot believe our little baby nugget (Nugz for short...hahaha!) is ELEVEN months old. How in the world did that happen?! As a third, I knew the timeline would feel sped up but goodness, someone must have hit fast forward because it feels like just yesterday we were still in sleepless nights (Thank the good Lord we are past that!)

I don't know your weight or height. I'll work on that for your one year post. You're walking all over the place, switch daily from two naps to one nap, sleep 12 hours a night typically, say momma, dadda, nana, bye, hi, ball, bike, bite and sign more and all done. You try and bark like a dog. Its real wimpy and cute. You're a pretty good eater and have a really sweet personality most of the time. Some days are fussier than others and some days you don't sleep like I would want you to but you're pretty easy. You still just have your same 6 teeth and don't look to me like you're teething but I could be wrong. You seem to like your dad and I equally and really love your nana too. You love hugs and being held or being outside. Love you Angel face!

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