Weekly Top 20 - Labor Day Edition

September 8, 2020

 We had a busy week. Here's a weekly recap since I had no time to do a Friday Favorites post this week.

1. All 5 of the Powells back at church at one time!

2. Barrett playing at church

3. The water hose!

4. Brotherly love

5. Forts

6. "Letter circles" I told Milam he couldn't ask for a sucker one more time or else he wouldn't get one. At the drive through pharmacy at HEB they give out suckers that have a letter on one side and a number on the other. He then asked if he could have a "letter circle". Oh goodness. That kid.

7. The Park

8. Milam putting himself down for a nap

9. Penny and Barrett playing. They're so cute. Barrett just puts his hand in Penny's food bowl while she's eating and she eats the food our of his hands. She's literally the best dog ever.

10. Cookie dough. Some days you just need a bowl of cookie dough. I eat a lot. I shouldn't admit that.

11. Copy cat Starbucks Black Ice Tea Lemonade. I found such a great recipe. I'll share it at some point. So good!

12. Georgia had her trial school day

13. Georgia doing school with Jonathan. At night they sometimes sit at the dining table and do work together. 

14. Georgia going to school with her dad. Some days during her virtual learning she just goes up to work with Jonathan because it's all online so why not.

15. BMX practice

16. A LOT of photography work!

17. We went out to eat a lot...good and bad for me

18. Finished our dining chairs. Finally. We're almost done with the table as well. It will be nice to have another room "done" in our house.

19. Dinner at our favorite place before our first real school week starts. We love Flower Child

20. Playground and cupcakes!

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