Barrett - 15 Months

January 27, 2021

 Our littlest guy turned 15 months yesterday!

He is 27.8 pounds (97.5%) and 32 in (87%) which is almost exactly the same size as his older two siblings. He wears a 6 or 7 in shoes and is in 24 month or 2t clothes. He can say momma, dada, Georgia, Milam, Nana, Nanny, Yia Yia, and that. He says, "Dat!" all day long and points his little fat finger. He knows several animal sounds and knows a lot of his body parts. Just today I noticed that one edge of his top molar has come in (tooth 9) and I can see another one coming through. Finally. He was sick for the first time this month. It was awful. Only a fever but he did not handle it well. At all.

He is just the sweetest little love and it hurts my heart with how big he is looking recently. He got his hair cut this month with clippers. He's only ever had it cut with scissors and he looks SO BIG. He's sleeping good at night and napping well. He just started riding his little balance bike and it is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. You are still obsessed with Penny and your dad.

Barrett, we love you so much and although we didn't exactly plan on you we cannot imagine our life without you. You are the most adorable little nugget and I love getting to be your mom.

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