Summer Loving

June 14, 2021

This summer is flying by. Lots of playing and popsicles. Lots of naps and bike rides.

A lot of the time on Sundays Jonathan preps all our meals for the week. After he finishes he portions out some for his grandmother and we take them over to her house. Yesterday, we hit up the park for a bit near her house as well. Its a good one because it has a lot of shade. My kids call it Mawmaw's park. 

I've been to Target WAY too much recently. Like, I think I went three times this past weekend. And I was rarely alone this week. Any errand I ran or any shoot I went to I almost always had at least one kid with me. Georgia and I have THESE matching cups and I try to keep them with us so we can be sipping ice water all the time because the heat has hit here HARD!

I snagged THIS cup at Target the other day because I've been a mom for a little over 10 years and have yet to find a sippy cup that actually loved, let alone like. So far this cup has been amazing. On my third trip to Target I grabbed another!

I took my two big kids on a shoot with me the other day because the park was smaller and enclosed and I knew there would be traffic and if I took someone with me I could drive in the HOV lane. Ha! I told them if they were good then they could get drinks after. Milam brought his skateboard and Georgia roller bladed.

And we have a third row...Georgia chooses to sit between her brothers.

Georgia had a friend over and we tried making snow cones. We didn't have a lot of luck but they still liked them.

Milam raced 6U the other day. He was the only 4 year old and there were no 5 year olds either and he still managed to snag 3rd place. Love my big boy!

Hot and humid summer days call for LOTS of pop ice. The kids LOVE these things.

My baby boy is now officially a balancer - biker! He can actually balance with no feet! He's amazing!

I used THIS hair dye to do G's hair again and I did a really good job this time! This dye is great because it does fade fairly quickly which I appreciate since 1) she's young and 2) I really have no idea what I'm doing. Ha!

Milam says I'm his bestie and we even have our own hand shake.

Barrett is so dang cute. He's hiding under the table with his snack. Love him.

More water days to beat the heat.

Conroe has a new Veteran's Memorial Walk. It is really neat and the kids all enjoyed visiting.

They are still loving our Aldi swings.

Milam loves THESE workbooks. I wouldn't say Georgia loves HERS but she's doing it and I'm keeping those wheels turning over the summer.

Church with my boys. Georgia had a cousin sleep over at my mom's so she went to church with them.

I had a client that was wanting a field location so I took the kids to do some test shots and snagged these cute images.

I hope y'all are having a good start to your week!

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