14 Weeks!

November 15, 2010

How far along?  14 Weeks 

Baby size:  Lemon!

Total weight gain/loss:   At 13 weeks I was still down 5 pounds.  I'm guessing I haven't gained much in a week.

Maternity clothes?  Still just the leggings.

Sleep:  My cold (allergies?) are still hanging on and I haven't really adjusted to day light savings so I can't honestly say.  I think I'm sleeping pretty well for being so congested.

Best moment this week:  Hearing the heartbeat last Tuesday and my energy levels being up.  They are not back to normal yet but I'm getting there...

Movement:  I've thought two times now that I've felt a little flutter but I can't be sure.

Food cravings:  Either sweet tarts or oranges.  I want oranges so bad but we keep forgetting them at the store!

Gender:  Your guess is as good as mine!  8 days until we find out...the blogger world will have to wait a bit longer...sorry.  (I have this dreaded feeling though that the wee one will be sitting with their knees together and we won't be able to tell)

What I miss:  Not being nauseous at night.  I'm really sick of this night time sickness although I haven't thrown up in awhile...and the nausea at night is being made worse by all the drainage going into my stomach...ugh!  It is getting better though.

What I am looking forward to:  Night time sickness being gone and gender test on Nov. 23rd.  (Let's pray the little one will cooperate!)

Weekly Wisdom:  This is more of a question about "wisdom".  If I feel something is wrong should I call my dr?  I hate calling my dr. because I don't want to be the crazy 1st time pregnant person.  I've only called her twice in 14 weeks.

Milestones:  Being in the 2nd trimester.

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Very painful, sensitive ribs on the right side only.  As in, Jonathan has to help me stand up.  My doc actually said it's not from my coughing but air stuck under my breast bone caused by everything being pushed up...who knew.  This was NOT in "What to Expect When You're Expecting" at 14 weeks!  At least I don't think it is...I skim more than I read. : /

{Registering at Target}

And, an answer to a popular question:
As soon as people found out I was pregnant my coworker, friends, and blog readers began to ask me if I would still be working once the baby was born.

And, the answer is yes.

Remember, I only work part time. I work from 11:35 to 2:45. That is just a little over 3 hours a day. So, I'm home all morning and early afternoon and I'm home by mid afternoon. Plus, I teach art. Art is pretty easy to plan for and really easy to put in grades. I rarely do any work at home because in my 3 hour work period I also have a 45 minute conference which is more than enough time for me to grade and plan.

I hear from a lot of working moms and stay at home moms that I will love working part time. I get tons of one on one baby time but I also get to go to work everyday and see all of my friends that I have grown to love so much this year. Honestly, I LOVE where I work right now and it just doesn't feel right to quit right now. All of my co workers are so excited about this baby and they are even more excited when I say I am coming back next year. BUT, Jonathan and I have agreed that if I hate it after a year I can stay at home full time but I can't really predict what I'll pick. I don't see myself working that much longer...next year will be a trial for us.

I've always known I didn't want to go the day care route. I worked at a daycare one summer and it scarred me for life. Let's just say that with child care you get (or don't get) what you pay for. The only reason I am even working part time is because Jonathan's mom will be keeping the baby for the 3 hours that I am at work. If she hadn't offered this then I would for sure be staying home. She will be coming to our house every day to keep our little one. Not only did she raise my husband, who I adore, but she is also currently a pre school teacher. (She's retiring for me!) So, I know she'll be a great babysitter.

In summary, I am for sure working next year but after that we don't know yet. This next school year will be a trial for us. I am so thankful though for the opportunity to stay at home and work. It's a rare occasion for a teacher to be able to work part time. This is the first time I have ever had a job that I look forward to everyday and it's the first time I can see myself coming back the next school year and not dread it. But my feelings may change...I can't decide just yet.


Jamie said...

You look so cute! I hate that you've been feeling sick :( Feel better soon!

Brittney Galloway said...

That's so great that you will be able to work part time, it will give you a nice outlet. We're trying to figure out what to do for child care next year because I have to be in language school for another year. I so wish my mom or mom in law was in country to help out!

Callie said...

If you think something is wrong, you should most definitely call your doctor. I made three different trips to my doctor because of some fluid problems I was having, and I felt like a crazy pregnant lady - but when I called, they told me to come in. It's better to be safe than to be sorry, and my doctor told me that if I ever have any concerns about anything to be sure to call and let them know. So yes, call!
Hey, I was also wondering, how did you find out about Babies R Us giving out gift cards for registering this month? And do I need a coupon or something to get the gift card? I'm hopefully going to be registering this week, so that's why I ask - I'm all for free gift cards!

Amanda said...

you look so cute emily! hope you feel better! sounds like you have the perfect job! :) you will get the best of both worlds...staying at home and working. that is wonderful!

Emily said...

You are looking so cute Emily!

Melanie said...

Oh how neat you registering at Target! Loved that pic!! Hope the nights get easier for you.

Lyndsey said...

Nights were bad for me too for a little while, but it eventually all went away. Hang in there!

Rachel said...

Yay!Congrats on 14wks going strong! I'm def investing in some maternity leggings...and I'm totally with you on the working part time/no day care thing. Unfortunately, right now I'm working full time and I'm worried about money when I think about us having kids and wanting to work part time. Praying God will be obvious when the time comes so i'll know if i should stay home etc.

Cecilly said...

what up! I love your cute pregnant self (didn't want to be another who says cute, but it's fact!)I agree, call your doctor and if you are a crazy 1st time pregnant person, wear the name proudly, you've never done this before and should have questions. i have yours and j's gift i wanna come bring it to you. let's get together please.

Rachel said...

I love your cardigan in the pics! =)
I have an award for you over at my blog! Come on over and get it! =)

cait said...

Love that pic in Target...what an exciting time! :) I say call! I will totally be "that" pregnant lady...but at least once you go through it the first time, you'll have a little more knowledge to go on for the others. Soak it all up this time! I love your statement about skimming...sounds like my kind of reading! ha!

What a blessing your job is. Honestly after seeing you had this type of job, it's really inspired me to work toward something like that. I have a dual certification in special ed and am getting my masters with a reading/writing endorsement, so I'm hoping that may open up some doors for a part-time position down the road. I'm with you 100% on daycare. My mom and sis-in-law have already offered their help....and I'm all for it! Praying God gives you guidance and discernment with your decision!

Teaching is tough...glad you've found joy in your current position!


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