Monday ♥

February 28, 2011

Another, Miscellaneous Monday
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This greeted me when I opened the front door the other day!

I opened it up and saw this!  Yay!  Georgia's mattress came in...although it came in before the crib.  It was recycling day at our house so I just put it on the floor until the crib comes in so that I could take that huge box and recycle it.

I finally got around to hemming our curtains.  They were too long because I originally had them puddling on the floor, which I love, but my dogs drove me crazy because they would lay on them.  I finally just folded them at the top and clipped them to the curtain rings that way knowing it wasn't a permanent now, they are finally done.

My sister in law gave me a car seat cover she had used with my nephew.  It had a blue ruffle on it and she ripped that one off and sent it to me so I could sew a pink ruffle on.  I think it looks super's going on the car seat in Jonathan's car.

Overall we had a pretty low key weekend which was really nice.
Happy Monday :)


Rachel and John said...

What a nice view out the nursery window! I love the car seat cover!

Jamie said...

I'm loving the curtains and car seat cover!

cait said...

Love that car seat cover!! :)


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