Themed Dinner - Lady and the Tramp

October 8, 2015

We've started doing themed family dinners on Friday.  So, we either do pizza and a movie or eat food that goes with the theme of the movie.  The first Friday Georgia picked out Fantasia so that was a pizza night.  This time around I was making Italian so I went with Lady and the Tramp.

I didn't go all out.  I just gathered a few things from around the house for Georgia and I.  Jonathan wasn't home that night so it was just us two.  Georgia really enjoyed it.

She felt so grown up drinking her pomegranate Italian soda out of a fancy glass with all the candles.  We really enjoy eating on our back porch.  Its very shaded and is screened in so we are spared the heat and bugs back there.  

I can't wait to see what themes we come up with in the future.


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