24 Weeks - Milam

May 3, 2016

Finally at 24 weeks.  The viability week.  So excited.

I was out of town this weekend so I am so tired, so behind, and have so much to do.  I'll post a life update soon.

My reflux is so so so much better.  I'm slowly seeing if I can get off of my med for that.  Sleep is also getting better.  The skin on my face is calming down a bit but my skin everywhere else seems to be very dry...and I live in the humidity capital of the world.

Milam was very busy during my FOUR flights this week, he kicked two of my friends who were patiently waiting for him to move, and has over all been a very busy baby boy.

No stretch marks, no belly button news, I get a handful of non painful braxton hicks a day mainly from physical activity, no clue on weight.  I feel like I keep gaining although I am most definitely eating less than before I was pregnant.  Much less.  My stomach is obviously getting smaller and I don't snack all that often.

I'm getting more active.  Walking almost every day and trying to get in some toning several times a week.

Always much love from big sister.

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