Milam - Two Weeks

September 5, 2016

This week has been easier and harder than last week all at the same time.  Harder because you hit your two week growth spurt (I feel like I can nearly SEE you growing) and my body just isn't responding like it should.  Which, I expected because the same thing happened with Georgia.  I'm letting you cluster feed, eat as long as you want, tried the tea and other "lactation" stuff, I drink water all the time yet am still dehydrated and hardly pee, (you are not dehydrated though and use the restroom ALL the time) and sometimes when you nurse I get dizzy/light headed.  It's been harder to pump, but I still am because I'm trying to up my supply, because I'll start to pump but then you'll wake up and want to eat mid pumping session.  And, with pumping I'm not getting much at all and it takes my body awhile to "replenish" itself.  The first week I had a ton of supply but this week it's down and the two week marker was when it happened with G as well.  With the timing of nursing, pumping, bottle feeding, and formula I'm not exactly sure what I want to do in the long run.  With Georgia it took 18 months for my thyroid levels to regulate and there is nothing you can really do about it besides play catch up with your medication.
First real bath
You had several good days and nights stung together where you were pretty predictable.  You still are for the most part.  You've had two pretty "bad" days.  Most days you eat and stay up for about 45 minutes to an hour total and then fall back asleep.  Your first nap you fight a bit but your others you don't.  You sleep 1-3.5 hours at a time.  Your first two naps are typically your longer ones.  You like to be in bed for the night anywhere from 7-8 every night and you like to get up for the day around 6-7.  Most of your night feedings are easy.  You cry, eat, and then fall back asleep.  But your feeding, that starts anywhere from 1-2, it can be really hard to get you back to sleep at that one.  Like sometimes up to 2 hours...especially if you just won't close your eyes.  You don't cry or're just awake...and want to be held.  A few nights though you haven't done that and it's been really, really nice.  We're praying you start stringing together more hours of sleep with less wake time at night.

Your dad is amazing and trades off feedings with me which is another reason why I pump and give you some formula.  We either switch off and do every other feeding at night or he'll do every feeding through 3 am and then I'll take over after 3.  When we do that I go to bed about 10 to ensure I can get about 5 hours of sleep.  It's been really nice and helps me get through the day.  I've been sleeping like a is so nice to have the extra bladder space :)
Rolled over, smiled at dad, "talked" to mom - 10 days old
I'm kicking myself for not hiring someone to do your newborn pictures.  I didn't take into account how tired I would be doing them myself.  I should have had them done before the first week and now it's hard to get the last few that I want since you're getting older and don't want to be messed with.  I've already contacted a photographer for our Christmas pictures so I can't wait for those!

Your sister is being so spoiled.  She's gotten so many "big sister" gifts from friends, co workers, family, and neighbors.  Plus, all of the above is keeping us very well fed.
Went to gymnastics with my sister.


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work momma. The first month of nursing is the hardest! I had to take fenugreek which makes you smell like syrup (Joe loved it. Lol!) and eat lactation cookies. Eating is just as important as water but I know how hard it is to eat when you have multiple kids. Just don't stress and and if you have feed him formula that's OK too. You have to do what's best for the both of you.

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work momma. The first month of nursing is the hardest! I had to take fenugreek which makes you smell like syrup (Joe loved it. Lol!) and eat lactation cookies. Eating is just as important as water but I know how hard it is to eat when you have multiple kids. Just don't stress and and if you have feed him formula that's OK too. You have to do what's best for the both of you.

Emily Powell said...

He already gets formula and I'm fine with that. With my thyroid condition it's not worth my health and his to try and just breastfeed or pump. I use the lactation cookies and those do help...fenugreek is a no go as it makes him very fussy.


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